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What's New in 2019?

All of the great things you loved in 2018 are back, with a few new twists!

For September 2018, we had planned an Amasa Camp at Echo Lake Bible Camp, near Vanderhoof, BC.  For reasons of the very real possibility of evacuation due to fire and smoke, we cancelled the camp.  Be we are back on for 2019 and have decided to move the dates of the camp to the end of May, rather than September and we are looking forward to this!

For the first time since before 2008, there will be a small fee increase.  The reason for this is to cover the ever-increasing costs of running camp, but we will also take away the pre-purchased T-shirt program.  Now, for $290.00 (for summer camp at Elkcanoe), your T-shirt will be included in the price!  We have seen how the T-shirts help to build community, and we felt it fair that everyone have one!

This year, to save on postage and printing costs, there will be one brochure for all six events (the two weekend retreats, the one week camp at Echo Lake and the three weeks of camp at Canoe, BC).  We hope that this will make the process of registration easier.  The prices for each camp, the deadline for payment of fees and returning information forms are set out in the brochure.  Each camper will receive an information sheet with a list of what to bring to camp, directions and the balance owing with their receipt.

Looking forward to a great time in 2019.  May God bless you and keep you until we meet again at camp!